Claudio Beorchia (Venice Lagoon, Italy)


Claudio Beorchia is an Italian interdisciplinary artist who often works through relational and participatory practices. In many of his projects he involves people directly in terms of a true-design and co-realisation of the work. In other projects the involvement of people is essential, but indirect or even unconscious. He studied Design and Visual Arts at Iuav University in Venice and at the Fine Arts Academy “Brera” in Milan. He holds a Ph.D. in Design Sciences at Doctorate School of Iuav University in Venice. Beorchia’s artworks have been exhibited in numerous occasions in Italy and abroad, and often culminate in different forms including poetry, video, collage, sculpture and site-specific installations. His initial idea for the residency is a choral and collective realisation of a game starring the Venice Lagoon, built in collaboration with researchers and inhabitants.
