05 Jul 2023 - 05 Jul 2023

The Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme (iCASP) and the Great North Bog invite you to join a WaterLANDS citizen science workshop to discuss and learn about peatland palaeo-archives and the role they can perform in demonstrating peatland development over time and their potential to inform future management decisions and thinking.

WaterLANDS is an EU-funded project (December 2021 to December 2026) that will provide a demonstration of upscaling wetland restoration across Europe and Northern England.

The aim of this workshop is to introduce and use palaeoecology (ecology of the past) to demonstrate the dynamic nature of blanket peatlands over their history and to especially highlight recent changes over the last 500 years.

Peatlands are managed and influenced by many concerned groups from regulators, charities, landowners, gamekeepers, and water companies to name but a few. It has been found that some of these groups may be unaware of peatland development and how that could potentially influence management decisions going forward.

The workshop provides a chance for people with different views on peatland management to come together and experience what palaeoecology can demonstrate about the development of blanket peatlands and how that context can shape or influence land management decisions.

Find out more and register here.