Deliverable 1.1 - SMART Indicators for Quantifying Wetland Resilience and Services
SMART Indicators for Quantifying Wetland Resilience and Services was developed as part of WaterLANDS WP1 - Restoring Services.
Deliverable 1.2 - Drivers and thresholds of change for European wetlands
D1.2 was developed by the University of Leeds as part of WaterLANDS WP1 – Restoring Services and aims to assess the drivers of change in wetland functioning.
Deliverable 2.2 - Report on Deliberative Process and Stakeholder Values
Deliverable 2.2 examines the relationships that local communities and stakeholders have with wetlands at the Knowledge and Action Sites, and how these interplay with restoration solutions (WP1), governance models (WP3) and financing systems (WP4).
Deliverable 2.3 - Assessment of socio-economic options
Deliverable 2.3, led by UNIVE, evaluates the economic value of wetland activities and explores pathways for a transition towards sustainable management practices.
Deliverable 3.1 - Characterising Supportive Governance and Policy
D3.1 is part of WP3 Aligning Governance. Led by Plan Bleu, the Deliverable analyses the importance of governance models in wetland restoration with the aim to support stakeholders in furthering collaborations to upscale wetland restoration.
Deliverable 4.1 - Review of Business and Finance Models and Market Demand
Deliverable 4.1 was developed by Wageningen University and the University of Venice as part of WP4 - Mobilising Finance.
Deliverable 5.2 - Upscaling Wetland Restoration: Barriers and Best Practice
Deliverable 5.2 aims to establish the availability and quality of best practice resources for wetland restoration activities across Europe.
Deliverable 5.3 - Strategy for engagement and citizen science
Deliverable 5.3 was developed by Prospex Institute as part of WaterLANDS WP5 – Co-Creating Best Practice.
Deliverable 6.1 – Setting up Steering Groups in Action Sites
D6.1 was developed by the WaterLANDS coordinating institution, University College Dublin, as part of Work Package 6 – Restoration Management. D6.1 comprises a report that outlines the progress of each Action Site towards the establishment and operation of a Steering Group (SG).
Deliverable 7.2 - Portfolio of Dissemination Tools and Resources
Deliverable 7.2 was developed as part of WP7 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, led by ERINN Innovation. Deliverable 7.2 aims to facilitate widespread communication and dissemination of WaterLANDS results to a range of stakeholders.