From Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th April 2023, a citizen science excursion took place at the Italian WaterLANDS Action Site, the Venice lagoon.
On Monday, We are here Venice, who coordinate the restoration works and engagement at the Action Site, welcomed the first citizen science group consisting of 42 children across two classes.
By the end of Wednesday, 130 11-12 year olds from greater Venice/the Venice area attended the excursion and learned about the importance of the salt marsh for Venice and the Mediterranean region.
WahV designed a special logbook with the Venice Natural History Museum that families and other schools will be able to download from the museum website to guide independent learning and exploration.
Together with insights from other WaterLANDS sites from Milena Holgrem and Juul Limpens at Wageningen University, the children will present what they learned as part of EU Green Week on 27 May at the Museum.
Photographs from Monday's citizen science excursion by Jane da Mosto and Eleonora Sovrani, We are here Venice